spindrift (spindrift ) gurgled happily, sounding
much like they were saying:
Hmmm. Either that was indeed seriously flawed, or you don't understand
the concept of "per million (or whatever) vehicle kilometres"
I know where my money lies.
Wanna Prove it?
No, not really.
Cyclist numbers vs cyclist injuries in Western Australia
The introduction of mandatory helmet legislation in 1992 heralded a
major downturn in cyclist numbers (approximately 30%) on West
Australian roads by 1996.
Despite this, the number of cyclist hospital admissions per annum
increased after 1992 helmet law enforcement to consecutive record
levels, the increase in hospital admissions in line with the recovery in
cyclist numbers to pre-law levels by 1998/99.
Some very flaky statistics, including the subtle detail that -
considering they're claiming a huge drop in cyclist figures since 1977,
made worse by the introduction of a helmet law in 1991, there are no
reliable stats from before 1990.
Also no consideration of other factors - that same period coincided with
all the major skin cancer and ozone layer health scares in Australia -
which will have played a major part in discouraging cycling.
Yes, it's a very flawed report. So much so that you really can't give it
any credence whatsoever.
(Oh, and fwiw, I'm not exactly pro-cycle helmet)
Get ready for some hasty withdrawal of that oh-so-confident pledge of
You show me this "pledge"...