Bus Lanes: Proof Of What We All Knew
Nick (Nick ) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
were saying:
I'm quite happy to see cyclists riding on the pavements in a
responsible manner or going through red lights when it is safe to do
Well done for at least admitting it. Although I fear that you still
think that motorists can never exceed the speed limit safely or in a
responsible manner, which would be a logical continuation of what you
say. If I'm wrong about you thinking that then I apologise.
Its not a logical conclusion at all. The only conclusion is that I do
not believe laws are absolute or always right.
In actual fact I'm happy for motorists to go over the speed limit on the
But not off the motorway? Ever?
However when it comes to towns and areas where motorist mix with
pedestrians and cyclists I do not believe it is ok to exceed the speed
limit because this does put additional risk on the pedestrian and I
believe the risk posed to pedestrians should be decreased not increased.
It is worth remembering that cars do kill and maim a very considerable
number of pedestrians where as bikes don't.
So all non-motorway roads have pedestrians about at all times? Because if
they don't, it would be an inconsistent application of your otherwise
consistent views.