Its that time of year again
Well the untruth was the lie told about a year or more so which
implied that former ticket seller staff were being taken out of
booking offices to provide a reassurance presence on platforms etc
giving an assumption this would be *on the same stations*.
This wasn't true as they were often used to fill positions within zone
1 or as drivers. Also I don't think closing ticket offices in zone 2/3
at 1900 on a Friday smacks of either "customer service", or "world
class metro" r.
The rosters were changed to remove these positions from station
establishments and if any do remain for "minimum staffing" reasons
they are invariably now just sitting in a secure ticket office with
the "CLOSED" blind lowered and completely uncontactable by passengers.
Let LU cut staff if they see fit but don't spin the decision as some
form of enhanced security measure - it isn't...