Bus Lanes: Proof Of What We All Knew
spindrift wrote:
Hang on, you've been claiming for 180 posts that I'm anti-motorist! I
asked for evidence, you provided none, you claimed I never slag off
cyclists and I show you I did! Just a bit of exposition there, think
you may have missed it...
The bridge cycle lane's daft cos it's segregation, yes of course I
support fines for driver who "stray" or "wander" or "drift" into a
place they shouldn't be because cemeteries are full of people hit by
straying, drifting and wandering cars.
Not those elusive multiple cemeteries of yours again?
I'm sure that this time, since you are so bullish about it, you'll be
able to name just one of them (perhaps give us the grid reference of a
Google Maps URL). Make sure it's *full* of people hit by straying,
drifting and wandering cars, though. A few names and Coroners' reports
wouldn't go amiss, either.