Pound sterling symbol and usenet posts (was: Overground new stock)
"Mizter T" wrote
reminded of a story Peter Masson told of a challenge he set himself in
his youth, which was to circumnavigate London in a day - but using a
"Green Rover" ticket which only allowed for travel on London Country
buses (the green ones), not LT's Central area buses (the red ones). I
believe he managed to get most of the way round on his Green Rover,
though did have to pay a fare on one or two bus routes.
Yes. There was a link around Romford where I had to pay a fare on a red bus.
Then, after paying to cross the Tilbury Ferry, it was getting late (and I
was getting exceedingly tired) so, IIRC, I cheated by paying for the Green
Line home, rather than getting another couple of slow Country buses.