In article , Nick Cooper
On 15 Nov 2003 15:36:35 +0000, jasonr (Jason Rumney) @ wrote:
"Bluestars" writes:
My comments:
If this happened on a London bus I think some passengers would not have
reacted as calmly as the citizens of Weymouth.
I posted a version of this story to under the heading
'Bus passengers detained and searched', for reaction, as I intuitively I did
not think the actions of the driver and the police were as legal as the
police maintained.
Lets say one of those passengers happened to have £60 in their
pocket. How were the police to know whose £60 it was?
I suppose it would depend on if it was in three £20 notes, or all
entirely in coins!
Nick Cooper
[Carefully remove the detonators from my e-mail address to reply!]
The London Underground at War:
625-Online - classic British television:
'Things to Come' - An Incomplete Classic:
I'd like to know how the bus driver was able to detain his passengers.
The doors have release switches, and I suspect the driver had no right
to detain the passengers anyway. What did he do - citizens arrest them
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