On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:37:46 -0800 (PST), Mizter T
wrote this gibberish:
On 20 Feb, 17:40, MarkVarley - MVP
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:08:54 -0800 (PST), Mizter T
wrote this gibberish:
MarkVarley - MVP wrote:
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:47:28 GMT, "Richard J."
wrote this gibberish:
MarkVarley - MVP wrote:
a theoretical question about zones and bus use of oyster payg.
if i travel from my home in zone 2 and travel around a bit in zones
1 and 2 (into the realms of travelcard price cap) then travel out to
zone, say, 6 on a bus and back again, am I being charged more
because the bus is in zone 6 when I get on it? or will it come
under my 1&2 travelcard price cap.
I travel from my home in zone 2 all over the underground network and
often using local bus routes out in distant zones and I've never
been able to make sense of what it's costing me.
There are no bus zones nowadays. Bus fares are the same throughout
London, and will contribute towards (or be capped by) your Z1-2
travelcard price cap.
Thats perfect, I had no idea buses were not using the zones system,
I've been here 2 years now and I ought ot have figured it out.
Thank you for your prompt reply :-)
A few extra things to note. If you have any Travelcard - whether day,
weekly or longer - and it is in in date (i.e. it hasn't expired) it
can again be used on any London bus route (regardless of whether the
ticket is on paper or Oyster), and can be used until 0430 the morning
after the date of expiration.
Additionally, as you may be aware, there is an Oyster bus-only cap of
£3 a day, and this applies all day (no divide between a peak and off-
peak cap) - which is great as it means the first three journeys cost
the normal 90p bus fare, the fourth costs 30p and then the fifth and
any beyond that are 'free' for the rest of the day.
For reference here is a table of all the Oyster capping levels:
One thing to note about Oyster price capping [1] is that the cap that
applies to you depends upon when you travel - so before 0930 weekdays
the Peak cap applies, after 0930 the Off-peak cap applies (and the Off-
peak cap applies all weekend and public holidays too).
However just because you might travel before 0930 does not mean that
the system defaults to charging you the Peak cap - instead if the
price of your pre-0930 journey(s) plus the Off-peak cap is cheaper,
then that is what you will pay.
An easy example - before 0930 you make a single journey by Tube
between two stations in zone 2 (e.g. Archway to Camden Town) for which
you will pay £1, then after 0930 you make several journeys in and
around zones 1&2 and reach the zones 1&2 Off-peak cap of £4.80 - thus
the total you pay will be £5.80 (i.e. you will *not* have to pay the
£6.30 Peak cap for z1&2).
It is also possibly to have two caps applied on one day - e.g. a z1&2
Peak cap of £6.30 plus a z2-6 Off-peak cap of £4.30 = total paid
£10.60 (less than the z1-6 Peak cap of £13.30).
Or (unlikely one this!) have a £3 bus cap applied for making four
pre-0930 journeys, then a z1-6 Off-peak cap of £6.50 applied = total
paid £9.50 (less than the z1-6 Peak cap of £13.30).
Point being the system should always ensure you get charged the most
favourable amount on any one day. Just ensure you always touch-in and
touch-out when using the Tube, DLR or TfL's London Overground
Note that officially it is called "Oyster daily price capping", as
opposed to "Travelcard price capping" - this is to avoid confusion
with Day Travelcards, which is a distinct product.
Thanks for that extra info :-)
I wasn't aware of the bus-only price cap but then my travel is always
on the tube to as close as I can get to my destination and then on the
bus if necessary, doing it bus-only simply takes too long.
There are some journeys where taking a bus, or indeed bus hopping, can
be astoundingly quick (especially when it's less busy) - and obviously
sometimes there just isn't a nearby station or a sensible rail route
to get you to your destination. But sure, for many other journeys I'd
be in agreement with you on that.
Will these routes come-up ion the TFL website thingy when searching
for fastest routes? that could be very handy.
I've not explored the routes available on the London Overground yet
but as hackney central is on it (is hackney downs too?) I ought to
have in in my mind as a useful route, do I touch in and out at a gate
as for the underground?
Hackney Central is part of the London Overground network, yes - note
that somewhat confusingly "London Overground" only refers to those
mainline rail routes that are now run by TfL, and shown in orange on
the Tube map - see:
However additionally there are now a few other mainline rail routes
(or 'National Rail' routes) that accept Oyster PAYG - but it is
important to note that they are limited in number, and there basically
aren't any south of the river either. To see a map of where you can
use Oyster PAYG on National Rail see this map (PDF):
The number of National Rail routes that will take Oyster is set to
expand, but unfortunately it is a slow process - TfL wants all the
train companies to accept it, the train companies are playing hard to
However you'll be pleased to see that Oyster PAYG can now be used from
Hackney Downs for travel either towards Liverpool Street or for travel
towards Seven Sisters/ Tottenham Hale/ Walthamstow Central (but not to
stations any further north) - this has only been the case since
January, and it should be accepted to more London stations on these
lines soon.
Is there any difference between national rail oyster PAYG routes and
london overground routes as far as touching in and out is concerned?
and is there a way to make the TFL website route thingy include oyster
PAYG rail routes? I can only see it including all rail routes, or not.
And yes, if the station does not have gates then you must ensure that
you touch-in or touch-out on the standalone Oyster reader which should
be located near the entrance to the station or entrance to the
Incidentally Hackney Central has just had gates installed, as have
many other stations on the London Overground network.
All my journeys are using oyster PAYG except the odd train journey
usually if I'm heading to croydon area.
PS I usually don't travel before 10am but am usually travelling
through until midnight or later. I try and avoid the busiest rush-hour
traffic but I'm not sure what times there is a fare change in the
evening rush hour.
If you do make journeys using mainline trains then you really should
buy a paper Day Travelcard for all the zones you'll be travelling in
that day before you set out - this will save you money compared to
using Oyster PAYG and buying separate rail tickets. Day Travelcards
are much cheaper after 0930, when Off-peak versions are available -
the Peak Day Travelcards are pricey and worth avoiding if possible!
one of my regular journeys is Hackney to Horley which I usually do via
bus to london bridge on PAYG and then buy a paper return ticket to
horley which lets me come back via either london bridge or victoria
(which can be handy for me), is it possible to get a travel card that
includes as far out as horley? is that a cheaper option than my 2x90p
plus £9.10 paper ticket? anything else I can do to cheapen this route?
I do it a couple of days per month on average and never during morning
the local shops sell travelcards so I could easily buy one before
starting the journey. can they be loaded onto my PAYG oyster and if so
can they be charged to my PAYG account or do I have to pay there and
Regarding fare change times. There are two separate concepts here -
one is Peak (before 0930 weekdays) and Off-peak (all other times plus
all day weekends and public holidays). Oyster card caps are available
in both Peak and Off-peak flavours, though as I explain above the
system will charge you separately for peak journey(s) plsu the Off-
peak cap if that is cheaper.
The other concept is the two Oyster fare levels - the more expensive
fare, which applies 7am-7pm weekdays, or the cheaper fare which
applies at all other times (including all day weekends and public
holidays). To avoid confusion TfL does *not* refer to these as peak
and off-peak - publicly it merely refers to them according to the
times in which they apply. You will be charged the higher fare if you
begin or end your journey within the 7am-7pm window (though to confuse
matters yet further, on the Watford Junction to Euston line *only* the
cheaper fare applies for much of the day, so long as you are *only*
making a journey on that line!).
Many thanks for all your input.