Something odd with the original post on this thread,
Posted using Outlook Express.
It may be read using Agent and Google groups.
But does not appear to OE users.
I say that because I can't see it using OE and because none of the
replies (three - hardly conclusive I know) are from OE users.
The replies can be seen using OE
My other posts appear ok.
Anyone any ideas as to the problem?
Not sure what to do to correct the problem-start the thread again?
I'm reposting the original here as a reply to my original post.
On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:34:35 +0000 (UTC), "Bluestars"
'Cops search war heroes' says Sun reporter John Coles in article:,,2-2003520537,00.html
This happened in Weymouth on Tuesday 11 Nov, so its OT.
Could it happen on a bus or train anywhere....?
Up to 50 passengers were locked in a First Southern National route no 2 bus
in Weymouth when the driver suspected 60 pounds of his takings had been
The driver pulled into a stop in the town centre and locked the passengers
in while he called the police. Eight police officers attended the scene
and gave the passengers the option of being searched on the bus or being
taken in the bus to the police station.
The passengers, included a party of war veterans on their way home from a
rememberance day ceremony in their parade outfits, were lined up in the bus
shelter and publicly searched. The veterans were quoted as saying 'it was
The passengers were detained for over an hour, but no trace of the alleged
missing money was found.
The bus company, who maintain the money is missing, apologised to the
pasengers, but there was no mention of any recompence for the time or any
consequential loss.
A police spokesman said the driver acted correctly in detaining the
passengers on suspicion of theft and the police acted legally to detain and
search them.
My comments:
If this happened on a London bus I think some passengers would not have
reacted as calmly as the citizens of Weymouth.
I posted a version of this story to under the heading
'Bus passengers detained and searched', for reaction, as I intuitively I did
not think the actions of the driver and the police were as legal as the
police maintained.