The UK march agaimst Bush
and are, in any event, too busy earning a living to spend a
day in slow-walking down Central London streets
Precisely. You don't give a **** about anything except yourself.
Well, who cares about you?
Except, people who are "too busy earning a living", are also "too busy" to
when they're being ****ed up the ass -- at least until it's too late.
Fortunately, at least in this country, there is a tradition of people who
Feel free to join.
Utterly prejudiced nonsense.
What is?
If I said something wrong, please point it out -- precisely.
Okay, here goes:-
1. I do "give a ****" about lots of things apart from myself.
2. Lots of people care about me (or at least they say they do).
3. Your phrase ending with the words "****ed up the ass" is a bit obtuse for me
- if you explain what you mean then I'll be able to reply.
4. Your implication that I do not think is misconceived: you confuse inability
to think with disagreeing with your view.
5. I am a British subject already, so there is nothing for me to "join".
Precise enough?
Or is the right to demonstrate MORE IMPORTANT than the right to work?
I'd say it is.
That's your opinion and, on it, we'l just have to differ.
Certainly it's more fundamental. Take it away, and you'd have difficulty
justifying most other rights, (that had previously been taken for granted).
An interesting philosophical point, but as it happens I regard duty as more
important than "rights" anyway, and it's not only a right to work, in my view,
as long as one is able to do so, it is also a duty to work.