Unusual building in West London.
On 24 Feb, 13:52, wrote:
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:19:45 -0800 (PST),
I am on an Oxford Tube bus at the moment; about half way between the
Hoover Building and the airfield at Northolt, on the same (right) side
of the road there is an unusual building. It seems to be unused at
present, and has 'To let' signs which describe it as a warehouse, but
it doesn't look like one. It has a square tower with a green copper
roof, which looks like it would be more at home attached to a church,
but the building itself doesn't look like a church. There is a star
on the brick/stone work on the front of the building. Does anybody
know what this building was?
Used to be the Aladin Factory - Paraffin Stoves and also (strangely)
RF Coils for Radios, but I could be wrong on the last product.
Latterly, a B&Q store. Offices in the tower were used as a base for a
Computer Services company for a while.
Even more latterly, seriously vandalised by the local two legged
vermin, of which there are many. Now boarded up. Presumably to
prevent said vermin harming themselves whilst going abou their various
destructive activities and so getting the right to sue the owners for
The exercise to put up the hoardings started on a Thursday. By Friday
lunchtime, the plywood that had been put up had already been stolen.
Further up the road along side of the site there used to be a Brothel
- HQ for a chain of them I hear. Welcome to Greenford! Arsehole of
West London. (Well, one of a number anyway...)
Thanks; just passed Headington School, time to put the laptop away.