John Rowland wrote:
Ernst S Blofeld wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
Since the major difficulty in using these roads as a rat-run is the
traffic coming in the other direction, I would have thought making
them one-way will actually improve them for rat-running.
The measures to slow down the traffic are the ones of relevance to
the rat-running issue. The one-way system is another feature of the
plans but the phrase is being used, in an arguably sloppy fashion,
as a short-hand description for the entire development.
I believe these plans should have been realised by now. Are they not?
The tables[1] are being put in, and the poles which will hold the
no-entry signs have been installed and lit, but the signs themselves
have not yet been installed.
It seems like they are trying to push the problem over the border into
[1] long flat bumps at the entrance to the side roads.
The one-way system is active now. I was right - it has made it a lot easier
to use these roads. I'm wondering if the scheme has been designed and paid
for by Enfield Council, since it will attract ratrunners away from Enfield!