The UK march agaimst Bush
The economic migrant claim is simply untrue. One of my best friends works
for a law firm that works on asylum cases, and says otherwise.
I have represented a number over the last few years, mainly Kosovans, and I
must disagree with you.
They are simply a milch cow for various solicitors' firms, one of which was
exposed in the national press 2 years ago for providing "package deals",
complete with fake torture claims etc. for their clients.
A large
proportion of them have some form of proffessional training, and they pay
more tax into the system than take benefits out.
None of my Kosovan clients were paying any tax (but most were working illegally
in the black economy).
Can you supply stats to
back up that statement?
The only statistic I can give you is that 100% of the Kosovans I represented
could have returned home - as was the Tribunal's decision when they were
invariably turned down. I doubt, however, if a single one was actually
You do not lock yourself in a box with thirty other people for a week
because there's a better rate of dole here.
You show a misconception of the issue: it's not a question of "rate of dole"
but the very existence of State benefits, free education, housing and health.
I'd put up with some pretty unpleasant conditions for a week or two if I was
guaranteed a pot of gold at the end.
The majority of these people are
fleeing something pretty terrible.
Yes, it's called "poverty", but that can best be dealt with by improving their
own countries' economies, not by having them all come to the U.K. whilst those
unfortunate enough not to have left their homes just fester.
Apart from anything else, Britain is the most popular asylum destination in
Europe not because of anything to do with our welfare state - it's because
we speak English that we're a more attractive option.
I disagree, but that doesn't matter one jot: we do not have the ability to
absorb hundreds of millions of immigrants, however laudable their wishes for
coming here may be.
I note that nobody has challenged my MAIN objection to mass immigration: the
detrimental effect it has on delicate race relations in the U.K.