The UK march agaimst Bush
Which is why I started commenting on this thread: these people are most
going to cost me a day's pay on the day them demonstrate.
So you'd rather get your day's pay than do something to prevent thousands of
people from being slaughtered in a war, not sanctioned by the UN, and
based on pack of lies?
I do not for one moment live in the cloud cuckoo-land that tells me that those
who demonstrate will " prevent thousands of people from being slaughtered in a
Legal opinion is that the was was lawful and sanctioned by the United Nations.
based on pack of lies?
That has not (yet) been proved to be the case, but I believe, with or without
weapons of mass destruction, the war was justifiable.
Ok, so you agreed with the war -- but millions didn't. And many more
are starting to realise they were conned.
Well, just because I happen to agree with the war, as opposed to opposing it,
should I go on the streets to make my point?
Not the "population as a whole". Millions couldn't demonstrate -- like
people who live too far away, sick people, old people, and of course people
had no choice but to work. In the face of that, "a million or so" is a lot
significant than you are trying to suggest.
There you go again, trying to spin a million (or whatever the actual number
was) to represent many more than just themselves. I do not accept that, but
even if they did, on your argument, represent say 10 million, that is still
hardly the population as a whole or even "the mass of the population" or
whatever other exaggeration you may care to use.
I also believe that they can make a difference.
Like the one that's going to happen this week.
I believe in fairies too!
Tell that to the Eastern Europeans.
The difference between the Eastern Europeans prior to the fall of the Russian
Empire was that they had NO democratic process by which to vent their views. I
do not accept that we, in the U.K. are in any way comparable to that situation.