TfL to buy out Croydon trams
Mr Thant wrote:
On 18 Mar, 12:55, Boltar wrote:
2 trains per hour, is that all?! I thought the point of the tram was
to provide a frequent service , not simply mimic the train service it
Looking at the timetables, it's every 10 minutes for most of the day -
it's only before 8am and after 8pm that there are trams only every 30
Pretty much, yes. Not great for those of us who only use it at night!
And I'm sure they mean "to each of" Elmers End and Beckenham Junction
rather than "between", which is physically impossible.
They do indeed run between Elmers End and Beckenham Junction - though
they go via West Croydon.
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK