The effects of a road congestion tax
"Mark" wrote in message
"Oliver Keating" wrote in message
But of course free market forces only work if people are charged for the
services (ie roads) that they use.
But, of course, free market forces only work if there's competition,
not a gang of armed thugs charging motorists an arm and a leg to drive
while stealing large chunks of the roads for their cronies in the bus
Hmm, I've been driving for 20 years and in all that time I've never
been accosted by a gang of armed thugs trying to charge me money.
Maybe you just live in a rough area, especially if they are trying to
steal the roads as well. Still, people will nick anything nowadays.
I agree with you, though: all roads should be privatised and all
motoring taxes should be abolished. Let private companies run the
roads instead.
And they will of course let you drive on their roads for nothing.