The UK march agaimst Bush
"Mait001" wrote in message
My case being that a majority of people are not antiwar/antiBush visit.
have asked for evidence etc. Well here it is! Yes, I have read the
Have you? If so you will also have read that 36% would prefer him not to
come and a significant 21% did not know/had no views. This latter figure
alone suggests there are rather less "antis" than you would wish. Maybe
apathetic folk but certainly not strong "antis".
The Poll also reports that 47% consider the war justified; 41%
and 12% did not know/have no views.
While it has been an interesting debate I think it is now becoming a bit
tedious and very much off- topic. So its goodbye from me as he dusts off
Stars& Stripes!!
Robert Griffith
Well done, Robert.
Thank you Marc. I'm backing out. We both know that the latest figures
support our stance. Its just a pity others lack the grace to say they may
just have misjudged the public mood on this.