Oyster PAYG on National rail
I have to travel from Harrow to Brockley and end up going to London
If I touch in at harrow on the hill and exit at west hampstead LU
station, touch out and walk to west hampstead FCC and touch in and
touch out at the oyster reader and touch out at London Bridge do I
still pay £3.50?
Or does this work out at 2x£3.50
Shall I tell the barrier staff that I am going to be using FCC between
WH thameslink and London Bridge and ask them to waive me through
therefore not touching out, boarding the FCC train and touching out at
London Bridge.
It is a bit confusing becuase there isn't anything on the website for
this scenario.
I could take the Jubilee line but this is such a crush and London
Brige is such a walk, I end up exiting via borough high st and walking
it to the mainline as there are less people.