On 9 Apr, 11:48, wrote:
Now we are looking at 1,100 vehicles (equivalent to 275 EMUs in 4-car
formation), which according to the DfT is a net increase of 380
Other interesting highlights:
* legal ownership will be structured in the conventional ROSCO way,
not as a PFI, but the tender will have to be jointly placed by the
manufacturer and the ROSCO working together
* the trains must weigh less than 32 tonnes per coach
* the bidder is required to consider the option of building a fleet
with two internal fit-outs (outer-suburban and metro. Wonder how long
that split would last in practice?)
* 45 second dwell times required
* the trains are required to deliver a 20 minute journey from Kentish
Town to London Bridge. Nitro!
* wifi and power sockets throughout
* a bit of ambiguity on bogs: all train designs must be "capable of
carrying" controlled emission toilets...
* ETMS2 required from the start
John Band
john at johnband dot org