In message , Paul Corfield
On Wed, 9 Apr 2008 09:22:51 +0100, Ian Jelf
I need to arrange to meet a small group (15) somewhere in the King's
Cross area in a few weeks' time. I normally arrange to do this at
exits from tube stations but with all the work going on in and around
King's Cross that seems a recipe for confusion to me!
Does anyone here have any suggestions where specifically I might choose
to meet them? (A "public area", where we wouldn't cause an obstruction
and wouldn't accused of being on railway property or similar; oh and
something easy for a stranger to spot!)
Thanks in advance.
How about beside stops D and E? This is in front of W H Smiths so it's
recognisable and it's just along from the main set of steps down in to
Tube station - certainly the main exit from the Tube side of the
station. If people were arriving by Met / Circle then they do face some
choice of exit from that part of the station but if they simply turn
right from the ticket gates and walk straight ahead they'll see the
stairs that will bring them to these bus stops. The map is also up to
date in that it shows the respective station areas of St Pancras and
Kings Cross main line.
Almost anywhere else in the area the pavements are too narrow or else
you will be in a station or on a diversionary route near the Northern
Ticket Hall works.
Sincere thanks to everyone who answered this for taking the time and
trouble; much appreciated.
I'll go with Paul's suggestion as it has the widest pavements, the
"spotability" of WH Smith's and the extra detail of being able to
"refine" things by referring to bus stops D and E.
(I didn't want to involve Saint Pancras as it's in the "wrong" direction
for the walk concerned, which is roughly following the course of the
River Fleet, to Blackfriars.)
Thanks again everyone.
Ian Jelf, MITG
Birmingham, UK
Registered Blue Badge Tourist Guide for London and the Heart of England