Query about Oyster PAYG on Central Line from Stratford
On Apr 13, 8:15*pm, "Axlegrease" wrote:
Can anyone help with this, please?
On Wednesday, I have to catch a flight from Heathrow. *I shall have serious
quantities of luggage and my plan is to travel from home in Essex to
Stratford via National Express Anglia Railways, then the Central Line,
District Line and Piccadilly Line to the airport. *The most economic fare is
a NE single to Stratford then use my PAYG Oyster to Heathrow.
I know there's a cross-platform interchange at Stratford to the Central line
Westbound, but does anyone know if there are validators *for PAYG on the
platform? *I just called 7222 1234 and they don't know! *(The whole point of
cross-platform interchange will be lost if I have to lumber my bags down the
steps to use a validator).
Thanks in advance.
Yes there are.
I am just wondering whether you will have to use the steps anyway
though. Do you know for sure if you will arrive in the platform with
the cross-platform interchange?