The Thameslink Bermondsey grade-separation
"Mr Thant" wrote in message
I've been trying to get a handle on exactly what this amounts to but
have failed to find any details diagrams or descriptions. Does anyone
have any or understand what's what?
My current under-informed guess:
- Trains from the Brighton fasts to Thameslink will go over it
- The Brighton Down Slow will go under it
- Thameslink trains from the SEML fasts will go over it (crossing the
Brighton Down Slow?)
- Kent trains to Charing Cross will go under it
- Where do Charing Cross trains from the Brighton fasts go - over it?
past it? either side of it?
I have a pdf download of a Thameslink Environmental Statement from Jun 2004,
which has some drawings of the Bermondsey and Tanners Hill areas, but I
can't find it on the web anywhere now. Can I email it to you?
"The objective of the works at Bermondsey is to remove the conflict between
Kent and Brighton services created by an existing flat junction east of
Rotherhithe New Road, and to enable these services to line up for their
respective London termini beyond London Bridge. The junction currently
limits the number of pathways for these services into and out of London
Bridge Station.
"This constraint will be removed by re-configuring the junction to allow
Charing Cross/Kent services to “dive-under” the Brighton line. A two-box
structure will be built west of Bolina Road each taking two tracks beneath
the Brighton lines. Various track re-alignments will be needed each side of
the boxes and this will require the partial demolition of the existing brick
arch viaducts either side of Bolina Road, over about 600 metres. A retaining
wall will be constructed along Jarrow Road. A length of the former
Bricklayers Arms Viaduct will be brought back into use and widened to
accommodate the Kent line as it descends east of Bolina Road.
"The railway bridge over Bolina Road will be reconstructed. Bolina Road will
be closed permanently to vehicles north of the Enterprise Industrial Estate;
pedestrian access will be maintained by the provision of a new underpass.
The bridge to take the New Cross spur over the proposed route for the East
London Line will be reconstructed. A new bridge is required to take the down
Sussex slow line over the East London Line route."
I think it is significant that there are 4 tracks taken under the
'Thameslink pair' - another point I recall reading in recent days was
something about 'no Thameslink trains off the SEML fasts' - can't lay my
hands on that either though!
Paul S