The Thameslink Bermondsey grade-separation
"Mr Thant" wrote in message
I've been trying to get a handle on exactly what this amounts to but
have failed to find any details diagrams or descriptions. Does anyone
have any or understand what's what?
My current under-informed guess:
- Trains from the Brighton fasts to Thameslink will go over it
- The Brighton Down Slow will go under it
- Thameslink trains from the SEML fasts will go over it (crossing the
Brighton Down Slow?)
- Kent trains to Charing Cross will go under it
- Where do Charing Cross trains from the Brighton fasts go - over it?
past it? either side of it?
The track diagram in the February 2007 MR shows the four tracks using the
diveunder to be the Down Charing Cross Slow, the Down Charing Cross Fast,
the Up Charing Cross (only splits into Fast and Slow at Southwark Park
Junction) and the Down Brighton Slow. At that time the assumption was that
Thameslink - South Eastern trains would go to Dartford via the Slow Lines at
New Cross - down trains would take a route north of the diveunder crossing
to the Down Slow at North Kent East Junction, while up trains would use the
Down Charing Cross Slow reversibly via the diveunder. I don't know whether
there has been any refinement to the layout now that it is envisaged that
Thameslink - SEML trains will run fast towards Tonbridge. However, with 28
tph envisaged in the peaks to/from Charing Cross, the Thameslink - SEML
trains may well have to use the slow lines through New Cross anyway, as
Cannon Street will only have 20 tph of which 6 will go via Greenwich.