BNP man to be shunned in London assembly
James Hogg wrote:
On Tue, 06 May 2008 02:13:14 +0100, Maris wrote:
On Mon, 05 May 2008 15:56:48 +0100, James Hogg
Every man to his taste, or as they say in France, "tout ŕ l'égout".
I think the French would be more likely to say 'Chacun a son gout'
(sorry can't do the circumflex).
If I had meant to write "chacun ŕ son goűt" I would have done so, but
I chose to refer instead to the well-known method whereby the French
aspired to purge the streets of all cloacal miasmata.
ŕ is 0224
ű is 0251
Or "alt" 150 gives ű and "alt" 133 = ŕ
Moving things in still pictures!