Banglatown: calls to rename East End station
alex_t wrote:
Calls to rename East End station
A proposal has been made to change the name of a revamped station due
to open in the East End in two years time.
Shoreditch High Street station will open as part of the East London
But a TfL spokesman said: "The cost of changing the name of a station
can be substantial and time consuming, as it is not just the physical
station signs that have to be addressed but also maps, leaflets,
related publications and pre-recorded announcements.
These reasons are the ones they nearly always trot out in response to name
change requests. Unfortunately in this case most of the difficulties are not
yet apparent, because of the two year timescale to completion.
"It is important that a station name takes into account the street or
the official name of its area, as recorded on official maps."
That's better...
Paul S