Billy, I appreciate the time you've taken in replying to my post. And there
is no way I can comment on DipTac requirements, neither do I have any
knowledge on the effectiveness of Revenue Inspectors and Roving supervision.
A comparison with the French bus system which as you probably know is also
cashless, is not possible as the network is nowhere near as extensive as
ours. All I can comment on is 'In service' observations comparing
Routemasters and the Citaro's which is what I will attempt to do here.
First of all I think a lot of work has been done to increase both the number
and reliability of off-bus ticketing machines. They seem to be located at
every stop and at major stops there are more than one of them. From limited
observation the Revenue Inspection seems to be most effective when a group
of Inspectors accompanied by police officers 'swoop' on a bus stopping it
until all passengers tickets are checked. And I have to say some Inspectors
do not help themselves in their heavy handed "I am God" approach. One of my
passengers came downstairs and told me that if the Inspector spoke like that
to him again he would 'clobber him one'..... the passenger concerned had a
valid ticket.
I agree that a well conducted routemaster is better than a one person
operated low floor double decker, but a Citaro Artic is better than a
routemaster by virtue of it being single decked and having 3 large
entrance/exits. Its dwell time at stops when at or near full capacity is
better than a double decked vehicle be it routemaster or lowfloor bus. I now
operate a National Express service into London every day and am very
impressed by how little time a Citaro spends at stops. On the other hand I
know how lazy some bus conductors can be, the tactic seems to be delaying
the right away signal so the end up late before their break (thereby gaining
an overtime payment) and as a result of late running reduced mileage will be
operated on the second half of the duty. Also I cannot stress the amount of
stress Routemasters cause when Tourists use them in places like Oxford
Street. I have seen many fall off as they attempt to get on/off inbetween
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"Billy" wrote in message
Yes David,but only if they are operating under the Cashless 3 Door
My point is that if the Citaro is operated on the same system as a
Routemaster,ie:cash Fares collected then the "Advantages" tend to
The problem with TfL`s introduction of Cashless Operation is that it has
been accompanied by the very necessary increase in Revenue Inspection and
Roving Supervision.
Rob Wooley`s previous post re planned increases in Rev Pro resources
confirms how wrong TfL have got this one.
Once the Revenue Collection system is compromised in the Travelling
eye it then becomes far more difficult to re-impose the required degree of
On my two most recent visits to Londres I witnessed intending pax being
waved through on both an RV 1 and on a 527 because thay proffessed to
some form of difficulty with the Off Bus ticketing machines.
Now it is not these individual pax concerned that TfL need be concerned
about but the many other pax already on the buses concerned who were a
receptive audience indeed to a short play about Free Travel......
And while I am about it Bob Wooley (Who admits to working for TfL.....Well
somebody`s gotta do it ?) is only partially correct in Town Crying the TfL
line on "Accessibility" where the Routemaster is concerned.
Its a matter of opinion really as to whether a Considerately Conducted
Routemaster is any worse than a modern One Person Operated Low Floor
Decker for MOST people up to and including those classed as "Moderately"
I am aware of some discussions in which many ambulatory but infirm folks
remain resolutely in favour of the Routemaster TPO especially in its
refurbished guise with DipTAC Stanchions and Brighter Interior
I am not an Anorak in this matter,as I am well aware of areas where the
Routemaster does fall short of modern practice BUT the Standard of service
capabable of being performed by the Refurbished vehicles remains on or
par with even the most modern LFDD designs.
I remain unconvinced by attractive PR packaged "Spin" which attempts to
us bottles of coloured smoke and I feel that Routemaster operation
the Latest Spec Refurbished vehicles is well within the capabilities of a
well managed and inventive Customer-Centred operation.....?????