On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 16:28:41 -0000, John Rowland
wrote in :
"Dr Ivan D. Reid" wrote in message
Sounds very similar to the Hotel Tatarstan in Kazan'
a few years ago.
How is that apostrophe pronounced - as a glottal stop?
It should really be an accent above the n, and is pronounced (AFAIR)
like an additional -ye (as in "yearn") cut off in mid-stride.
One of our party headed for the Ladies, commenting that
he'd never been anywhere in the world where the Ladies
weren't considerably cleaner than the Gents; he came
back saying that he had now...
I haven't often been in ladies' toilets, but I've always found them worse
than the gents. The graffiti is worse, and they tend to hover and spray,
rather than touch the seat...
He reckoned that it hadn't failed before, even in darkest South
America. I believe he was an Indian national, if that adds anything to
the tale.
Ivan Reid, Electronic & Computer Engineering, ___ CMS Collaboration,
Brunel University.
Room 40-1-B12, CERN
KotPT -- "for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty".