Meeting place in Luton Airport
"Al Grant" wrote in message
On 10 Jul, 20:49, (Neil Williams)
You can take toothpaste on a plane, though it has to be in a silly
plastic bag.
I've wondered what the rules are on the "resealable
plastic bag". Can you take a supermarket grapes bag
or does it have to be of an approved design?
Also I was looking for a source of small squeezy bottles
for a few days' supply of e.g. shaving gel or toothpaste.
The squeezy bottles sold in travel shops are too large
(50-100ml, I'm looking for more like 10ml), and hotel
shampoo miniatures are rarely squeezy enough.
I may be wrong (for that read "I'm probably wrong"), but I think the Body
Shop sell all manner of bottles. Maybe there's something squeezy enough