In message , at 19:10:07 on Wed, 16
Jul 2008, Peter Beale remarked:
Went to see "Prince Caspian" last night - it opens with a very
authentic-looking London scene during the war, including 1940s taxis
and buses, and the entrance to Strand Underground station - then down
on to the platform, and 1938 stock. Presumably the scenes on the
platform are actually Alwych - but I am fascinated to know how the
outside scenes were done. Is it a combination of computer-generated
stuff and the genuine article? The street outside Strand Station had
tramlines - in itself inauthentic, the trams only reached "Savoy St
Strand" - but also they had no conduit slot, and I did not notice OHL
either. I note from the end credits that Prague was one of the places
where filming took place, along with New Zealand, Slovenia and others.
I wondered if this scene was done there.
Roland Perry