Petition to stop overcrowding on public transport
On 19 Jul, 02:28, "Jonathan" wrote:
Public transport has always been awful; and over the past couple of years
I've noticed that more and more often I'm squashed inside a bus or train,
with hardly enough room to breathe, because the company decided to cancel
earlier buses or trains without notice, and without making any alternative
If there was a decent tube system in south london some of the pressure
would be taken off the overground trains. But the amount of overground
lines has always been used as an excuse for not further extending the
tube south of the river rather than thinking the services could
complement each other. The its-difficult-to-tunnel excuse no longer
holds water in the 21st century so I guess the only obstacle now would
be money as it ever was - we have tight fisted victorians to thank for
the piddly mainline loading gauge meaning we can't have double deck
trains , and the frankly farcical loading gauge on the deep level tube