On Sat, 19 Jul 2008 13:39:14 +0100, "Maria"
wrote this gibberish:
"Jonathan" wrote in message
.. .
Public transport has always been awful; and over the past couple of years
I've noticed that more and more often I'm squashed inside a bus or train,
with hardly enough room to breathe, because the company decided to cancel
earlier buses or trains without notice, and without making any alternative
Because I believe that this gross-overcrowding is a serious risk to public
health and safety, I've created a petition at
http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/sardines/ asking for action to be taken to stop
this gross-overcrowding.
Therefore, if anyone else here shares my concerns, please co-sign the
petition, and if possible, please pass the message along to a few friends.
Good idea. I've always thought there should be an active campaign to
discourage people who don't have to travel in rush hour from using public
transport at peak times.
I go to great lengths to avoid moving anywhere at peak times, I pity
the regular commuters who deal with the sheer unpleasantness of public
transport from the handful of times I've found myself with little
choice to.
the horror...
the horror......
the horror.........
Mark Varley
London, England.