Bus Stops on Diversion
On Aug 15, 5:12�pm, MIG wrote:
I seem to remember discussion here establishing that when there is an
emergency diversion, buses don't stop at the stops on the alternative
route (no matter how much you beg to be let out with your heavy
shopping near home rather than be taken to somewhere there's no way
back from), but that they do stop if there's a planned diversion.
This doesn't seem to be the case with buses diverted from Hither Green
Lane (181 and 225, both of which I used recently), which are running
Has anyone got any new insights into why they are running this way?
There are plenty of bus stops on the diversion route.
My experience is that bus drivers do whatever they please. There seems
to be no effective leadership/instructions given, whatever the
technical rules may be.
I can GUARANTEE that a pretty blonde, smiling sweetly and being asked
to be let off at a particular stop will succeed (as will one waiting
to be picked up at a stop on a diverted route), but to Hell with the
rest of us!