TfL Admits Livingstone Regime Deliberately Obstructed Traffic Flows
Doug wrote:
Road congestion is primarily caused by too many cars and if left to
its own devices would be self-limiting.
The experience within Birmingham, when the entire traffic light system
failed, shows that if it were truly lef to its own devices that the
traffic woudl flow better than it does at present.
Indeed it could even result in
a reduction of car travel as motorists get fed up with so many delays
they are themselves responsible for.
Or, sicne the evidence is that traffic lights make things worse it coudl
simply result in traffic that flows even if slowly.
Unfortunately, our road spaces are allowed to be demand driven resulting
in perpetual roadbuilding and widening and tinkering to the detriment of
the environment and quality of life of many people.
London's street plan has remained effectively unchanged for at least 150
years. So you're talking utter ********, as usual.