TfL Admits Livingstone Regime Deliberately Obstructed TrafficFlows
Brimstone wrote:
JNugent wrote:
Brimstone wrote:
JNugent wrote:
Brimstone wrote:
Strange, I'd always got the impression that you were in favour of
more people being allowed to travel easily by road between various
points in London? Maybe I've misunderstood.
That does not include allowing pedestrians, cyclists,
horses-and-carts, moped-riders and milk-floats to use motorways.
Which motorway is such traffic allowed to use?
The former A40(M), M41 and A102(M) - or at least, the automatic
motorway restrictions no longer apply.
All achieved by stripping those roads of their motorway status and
handing them over to Mad Ken.
So they're not motorways?
I was wondering whether you would try that line.
They used to be motorways and had the traffic-flow efficiencies of that
Then they were reclassified as non-motorways precisely so that Mad Ken
could get his grubby mitts on them and downgrade the speed limits,
narrow them, or anything else of the sort of thing you'd expexct from
him (he never had authority over any of the London motorways - eg, M1,
M3(?), M4, M40, M11 - except the ones which were nobbled and handed over
to him.