OT - Blue plaques
Mark Brader wrote:
Tom Anderson writes:
I think that's quite a nice idea. You might want to subdivide further than
by country, though - if, say, 90% of plaques are about British people ...
then the national flag isn't providing a lot of information about those
Ah, but the trick is to use the *correct* national flag. For Samuel Pepys,
the St. George's Cross; for Samuel Johnson, the Union Jack without the
red diagonal cross; for Samuel Palmer, the present version.
That could cause problems. For example, would you use pre- or post-
1800 Union Flag for Wellington? Then there are the really awkward
people like Alexander Graham Bell[1]. Would he have a Union Flag, a
defaced (Canadian) red ensign, or the Stars and Stripes (and in that
case, how many stars)?