Close roads, speed up traffic
Doug wrote:
Closing the M25 would cause massive congestion which in turn would
reduce traffic journeys. After a period of adjustment it is likely
that more people would leave their cars at home and a state of
equilibrium would finally be reached again, but with less traffic.
What you have to realise is that there is a high proportion of non-
essential journeys made which are actively encouraged by perpetual
roadbuilding and these impede essential journeys, such as food
There seems to be a new phrase we can add to the list of Dougisms,
"perpetual roadbuilding".
(Dougism = a word, term or phrase previously shown to be wrong in fact.)
Some means has to be found of combating the anti-social and anti-
environmental habits of many motorists, instead of always giving in to
their unreasonable consumerist demands.
So what would your solution be Doug? Starting from the basis that people
are, by their very nature, consumers.