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December 1st 03, 09:24 PM posted to
Peter Lawrence
external usenet poster
First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Aug 2003
Posts: 141
On Mon, 01 Dec 2003 07:52:58 +0000, Christine
On 28 Nov 2003 20:55:23 GMT,
(Huge) wrote:
Christine writes:
There is a display outside London Bridge Station today exhibiting the
Thameslink 2000 project. New Enquiry date for new designs of London
Bridge and Blacfriars stations and restoring Borough Market.
Enquiry Spring 2005 New Project start date 2007. Completion 2012
So, are they going to rename the project Thameslink 2017 (which is when
it might actually be finished)?
According to the Network Rail/Thameslink Project Representative, The
route layout and signalling haven't change , in fact have the go
ahead. It is just the final designs of London Bridge and Blackfriars
station and the restoration of Borough Market Area that need an
inquiry. And as all issues have now been addressed it is just a
formality. So the project is in effect the same, so will still be
called Thameslink 2000.
So a formality takes four years just to get through the bureaucracy;
How much longer if someone raises an objection?
Peter Lawrence
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Peter Lawrence
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