Changeless bus passenger denied boarding
On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 02:18:07 -0700 (PDT), Boltar
I'm not saying buses should never give change but expecting a driver
to have enough change for 20 quid is perhaps optimistic. besides
which , its bloody annoying for the other passengers waiting trying to
board if the driver has to root around for loads of shrapnel because
some wally wants to pay with a large denomination note.
It takes precisely one item of currency to change a 20 quid note over
and above a tenner, or precisely two over and above a fiver.
If you think
I'm being unreasonable then go into a corner shop and see the reaction
you get if you try and buy a mars bar with a 50 quid note.
But I would be surprised to find gbp20 not accepted. And a Mars bar
costs less than a third of the price of a London cash bus fare.
Neil Williams
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