Tories 20BN railway to replace Heathrow expansion (St Pancras is Heathrow T6, again)
In message , Tony Polson
I'm surprised that no-one has noticed the Conservatives' equally
unequivocal commitment about where the money for the high speed line(s)
would come from.
The Conservatives are absolutely committed to put not a single penny
more into the railway so, as I have already predicted, all the money
for the high speed line would come from swingeing cuts to Network
Rail's subsidy.
Perhaps, when (and if) the Tories get into office, they will find the
economy in such bad shape that we will get the swingeing cuts, but no
money for the high speed line(s).
That'll be the old 'it's worse than we ever imagined' excuse wheeled out
again then?
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
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