On Oct 21, 12:25*pm, John B wrote:
"I am informed that, thankfully, there have been no fatal accidents
arising from collisions between cyclists and articulated buses in
London since the introduction of articulated vehicles."
"Serious incidents are defined by TfL as those where a cyclist may
have required treatment, including in hospital. There was one serious
incident involving a cyclist in each of the years 2005/06 and 2006/07,
and two in 2007/08."
In other words, the data collated by TfL and accepted by the mayor
clearly shows that bendy buses are not dangerous for cyclists.
However, in another demonstration that "being right-wing" and "paying
any attention, ever, to any evidence about anything" are mutually
exclusive, the mayor is continuing to describe bendy buses as "the
scourge of the cyclist" and to press on with his half-witted abolition
Thanks again, 4x4-wielding suburbanites and people who think that
'being funny on a game show' is a qualification for public office.
I am sure that Boris is not qualified to pronounce on whether any kind
of vehicle is safe.
Are you sure that collisions between cyclists and bendy buses are the
relevant issue?
It would be interesting (if such things are recorded) to know how many
more collisions with other vehicles there are when trying to get past
bendy buses, how many people were injured trying to cross the road
when a crossing was blocked by a bendy bus etc etc.