Boris admits bendy-buses are safe - but he'll axe them anyway
On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Tom Barry wrote:
MIG wrote:
It would be interesting (if such things are recorded) to know how many
more collisions with other vehicles there are when trying to get past
bendy buses, how many people were injured trying to cross the road
when a crossing was blocked by a bendy bus etc etc.
The figures released in February showed that *when compared to non-artic
buses on similar routes* (a distinction lost on the Boris campaign who
claimed they had 'twice as many collisions' but compared them to London
buses in general, which is invalid since bendies operate only on high
density routes on busy roads) they were about the same in terms of
accidents per million miles operated.
I seem to recall that they were about a third lower than the non-bendies,
actually. This could easily be within the margin of error, however.
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