On Oct 21, 7:10*pm, "Tim Roll-Pickering" T.C.Roll-
Thanks again, 4x4-wielding suburbanites
Ah the myth that bendies are only hated by car drivers. When campaigning for
Boris in areas served by bendies I found this policy to be very popular
amongst people who have to use them.
I'm deeply sceptical, although it's possible that the people you spoke
to were idiots. In real life, bendies provide a much better service
than other buses on a given route.
and people who think that
'being funny on a game show' is a qualification for public office.
It's called democracy. If the people of London didn't want Boris as their
Mayor he wouldn't have been voted into office.
The people of London didn't want Boris as their mayor. The people of
various unsavoury outposts that the Tories gerrymandered into Greater
London in the first place to end Labour's dominance of the County of
London wanted Boris as their mayor; the people of actual London voted
for Ken.
And if all Boris had ever
done was "be funny on a game show" he would never have got anywhere, let
alone into Parliament then the nomination and finally the office.
You have a bizarrely misplaced faith in the processes governing the
acquisition of political office by the sons of extremely wealthy and
successful people.
John Band
john at johnband dot org