Is it just me or has the tube gone down the tubes?
I'm not sure about the privatisation thing myself, but it's the pax
who create the rubbish - not LU. If they weren't so f##king lazy
they'd hang on to it until they found a bin - irrespective of how long
that took :-(
Once boarded a "First train" early in the morn and went just two stops and
noticed where the only other person had sat was a fresh Banana skin after he
alighted - left for the cleaners and other passengers. and that was about
Most people see the tube trains as a dumping ground as well as a moving
restaurant (19 hrs a day)
If only we did like Singapore for ex - NO litter Eating or Drinking - apart
from YOBS doing grafitti - the Burgerless carriage may encourage people to
look after it more?