Is it just me or has the tube gone down the tubes?
only meee wrote:
I'm not sure about the privatisation thing myself, but it's
the pax
who create the rubbish - not LU. If they weren't so f##king
they'd hang on to it until they found a bin - irrespective
of how long
that took :-(
Once boarded a "First train" early in the morn and went
just two stops and noticed where the only other person had
sat was a fresh Banana skin after he alighted - left for
the cleaners and other passengers. and that was about
Most people see the tube trains as a dumping ground as
well as a moving restaurant (19 hrs a day)
If only we did like Singapore for ex - NO litter Eating or
Drinking - apart from YOBS doing grafitti - the Burgerless
carriage may encourage people to look after it more?
Going back some years there were two letters in the Standard on this subject
either on the same day or within a few days. The first was from someone who
passed through Victoria LU station having arrived on the first train and
said "It shone like a new pin". They returned late in the evening from
somehwere out in the country and the same station looked like a pigsty. They
came to the relaisation that "It is the passengers who make the Underground
The second letter was from a Dover - Calais ferry passenger. They used the
toilets upon boarding and said they were immaculate. The person then used
the same toilets just before disembarking and found them in a disgusting
state. The comment was, "Come on BR you can do better". (The ferry operator
was then Sealink of which BR was a part. I did say it was some years ago.)