Visible signs of Thameslink 2000
On Nov 9, 3:53 pm, Robert wrote:
capital cost I can't understand why at least the /southbound/ platform
at St. Pancras Low Level was not built as an island.
It was designed that once, both platforms were.
before the decision to move Eurostar to StPancras, under the complete
separate TL2000 program what is now SPILL would have been a bit to the
south/east of SPILL and of 2 island platforms.
With TL2000 appearing to be going nowhere at the time, a creeping
erosion decision was made i.e. one of several decisions that slowly
erodes possibilites in other projects - and cut the KXTL replacement
from 4 to 2 platforms..
prevents it being used as intensively as possible? In the long term it
is a waste of resources,
Indeed. That was what was wrong with the SPI rebuilding ... it was
done for itself, a grandiose scheme that has left both what are now
EMT and FCC with admittedly new stations but only just about enough to
run today but no room for serious expansion for tomorrow.