In message
Mizter T writes
Somewhat shocking that Demon, the progenitor of UK internet access,
should have managed to make such a meal out of providing usenet access.
That was my thought. There have been interruptions tot he Mail service
as well. Not lengthy ones but enough to cause me problems.
I've written to them asking what plans they have to offer a rebate on
their charge for the partial loss of service. The reply (from the
"missing the point" school of customer care, glibly told me that there
was no problem with the mail "at the moment" and that the news service
was due back shortly.
Needles to say, another e-mail has winged its way of to them.
On the subject of Usenet dying, I've always been surprised at how few
people outside, well, Usenet, have any idea of its existence or what it
Ian Jelf, MITG
Birmingham, UK
Registered Blue Badge Tourist Guide for London and the Heart of England