Ticket checks on bendy buses
MIG wrote:
On Nov 25, 3:17 pm, David Cantrell wrote:
There have recently been a *lot* more ticket inspectors in the mornings
on the number 38 bus. Are they just blitzing this route, or is this
happening across all the free^Wbendy routes? And I think there have
been more empty seats too.
I'm wondering if it's a Boris-ism, designed to make bendies less popular
by kicking off all the freeloaders who, obviously, think they're the
best thing since sliced bread. Employing lots more ticket inspectors
could also be a cunning ruse to push the cost of bendies up so he can
show that the Borismaster isn't so expensive either.
Hurrah for ticket inspectors!
I can only ever remember one ticket check on a bendy, and they didn't
get past the first seat before having to stop the bus and call the
It was since Boris as it happens.
Well down here in South London it has been a regular occurence since well
before Boris. The 436 is a regular target, particularly between New Cross
and Victoria, a gang of inspectors and police officers will board one the
moment it stops, not letting anyone off, then taking them off as required,
I have several times seen up to a dozen people removed, and presumably
replies to newsgroup only please.