Evening all,
Question largely as in title!
The DLR extension to Dagenham Dock, now shelved AIUI, involves building a
rail bridge across Barking Creek, aka the River Roding, right at the creek
mouth, the line passing shorewards of the sewage works at Beckton.
Does/did the plan include a foot/cycle bridge as part of the bridge?
Whether double-deck, or Charing Cross style, or just a separate
construction as part of the works. Were plans ever far enough advanced
that that question even has an answer?
The reason i ask is that the current lowest bridge over the creek is the
A13 road bridge, a mile and a half upstream. It would seem to make a lot
of sense to include a pedestrian crossing here, so that local trips
wouldn't have to make a huge detour, enabling the area to develop as an
integrated site rather than as two separate ones on either side of the
It would be particularly useful for cyclists, as it would give A13-free
access from the Barking riverside redevelopment area to the Greenway, a
car-free cycle route which starts in Beckton and runs to Victoria Park,
where it connects with the canal towpath network [1].
[1] And for which you can vote in the 400 kGBP London parks X-factor:
All roads lead unto death row; who knows what's after?