A foot and cycle bridge across Barking Creek as part of the DLRDagenham Dock extension?
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Graham Harrison wrote:
"Tom Anderson" wrote in message
On Mon, 1 Dec 2008, Mr Thant wrote:
On 1 Dec, 18:51, Tom Anderson wrote:
The DLR extension to Dagenham Dock, now shelved AIUI, involves building a
rail bridge across Barking Creek, aka the River Roding, right at the
mouth, the line passing shorewards of the sewage works at Beckton.
The last iteration of the plan decided a tunnel was the preferred option,
due to the height of the bridge required by shipping regulations.
Bugger! I hadn't realised Barking Creek was in use by any ships. No chance
of a bike tunnel too, i suppose!
Thanks also to Mr Scott for pointing this out to me.
Why should the fact that it's a tunnel mean that a pedestrian/cycle
facility is ruled out? A third bore could be used for this acting as an
emergency evacuation route if ever necessary.
My gut feeling is that adding a third bore to a two-bore setup is a lot
more expensive than adding a footbridge to a railway bridge. In fact, i
can't see how there being two bores there already makes the third any
cheaper, so it would be as expensive as building it as a standalone.
Having a separate escape tunnel is probably not justifiable for a tunnel
this short, sadly.
I could tell you a great many more particulars but suppose that you are
tired of it by this time. -- John Backhouse, Trainspotter Zero