Crossrail NOT making connections
"Tom Anderson" wrote ...
Crossrail SHOULD reach Reading.
No, Crossrail should stop at Slough, and concentrate on being an
affordable and effective suburban railway, and not a pie-in-the-sky all
things to all people scheme.
Crossrail WILL reach Reading, offering myriad onward opportunities (look at
a rail map - where else should it go?); Crossrail WILL reach Ebbsfleet (it
would be crazy not to, until HS1 is extended to Heathrow!); Crossrail will
not stop at Shenfield, looking slightly confused, perhaps a little
But don't expect such obvious common sense until just after it opens - the
'current package' is all about getting the bloody thing built without too
many people whining "We Can't Afford it - Cancel It".
Once it's built, people with brains will start to say Shenfield? Abbey Wood?
Other Stations Halfway To A Logical Junction? Get Real!
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Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." ~ Albert Einstein