Who to complain to about fares?
(a) The unavailability of a Super Off Peak fare on a journey Fleet-
Clapham Jn-Shepherds Bush
As the other post says Super off peak was only introduced on flows
where SWT wanted to put the price of the off peak return by a large
amout. where they have not done so then super off peak was not
Thx. *Although the latter issue wouldn't have been a problem if they
still sold Network Awaybreaks, or if SWT's ticket office had been open
on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.
Your a bit behind the times I am afraid. Network awaybreaks no longer
exists. You need an off peak return which is valid for a month and
which they might sell. If the ticket office is closed and there are
no ticket machines you can buy the ticket on the train. Which station
were you travelling from?